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2015 Team - Recycle Rush

RECYCLE RUSH is a recycling-themed game played by two Alliances of three robots each. Robots score points by stacking totes on scoring platforms, capping those stacks with recycling containers, and properly disposing of pool noodles, representing litter. In keeping with the recycling theme of the game, all game pieces used are reusable or recyclable by teams in their home locations or by FIRST at the end of the season.

Rich VanDeKerchove

Rich VanDeKerchove

Carla VanDeKerchove

Carla VanDeKerchove

Jessica Carpenter

Jessica Carpenter

Richard Smith

Richard Smith

Hunter VanDeKerchove

Hunter VanDeKerchove

Cameron Nickert

Cameron Nickert

Joshua Fisher

Joshua Fisher

Luke VanDeKerchove

Luke VanDeKerchove

Allison LaPointe

Allison LaPointe

Trent Radke

Trent Radke

Allison Ellis

Allison Ellis

Gary Berger

Gary Berger

Amber Agee

Amber Agee

Jeremiah Chappell

Jeremiah Chappell

Jeremy Wixson

Jeremy Wixson

Timmy LaPointe

Timmy LaPointe

Christa Keys

Christa Keys

Isabella Giannosa

Isabella Giannosa


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